We encourage asking questions,
not just from pupils

In this page we’ve gathered all the questions that parents usually ask us.
Feel free to also use the search bar below:

Enrolment for children into Junior Infants of the following year opens in early October of the year prior to enrolment. It is important that you apply before the closing date, otherwise your child may be placed on a waiting list (if we are oversubscribed). 

If you are looking to have your child enrolled in a class in the current school year (Junior Infants to 6th Class), please register online and/or email Clare in the office. If you are late applying for Junior Infants (i.e. after the enrolment period), please contact the office.

Please see our Admission Policy and Annual Admissions Notice for further information.

A wide range of fun afterschool clubs and classes (run by external providers) from 1.30pm and 2.30pm is available for our pupils, including Short Tennis, Speech & Drama, Irish Dancing, STEAM Academy, Creative Keyboarding, Basketball, Chess and Art Zone.
The children are brought directly to the club/class by their teacher. Please see our full outline of clubs/classes with links to the providers in THIS PAGE (link to be added). Updated information is shared with parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year in the newsletter (link to be added).

Parents/guardians are also fortunate to have a number of providers of before and afterschool services in the local area. These providers do drop-offs and collections at our school hours and are a valuable service to many parents/guardians. Click here for a list of some of some of these providers. (link to be added)

School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 1.30pm for Junior Infants and Senior Infants. For 1st to 6th Class school finishes at 2.30pm.

In the 2024-2025 school year we will have 21 mainstream classes and 1 ASD Class as follows:
4 Junior Infants classes
5 Senior Infants classes
2 of each class from 1st to 6th Class
1 ASD Class

The average class size is 23 students.

Parents wishing to enrol their child(ren) in the school must register online at the following LINK. If a place is available, a Letter of Offer will be sent to parents/guardians along with the relevant application forms to be filled out. The applications are dated and placed on a waiting list according to the date they were received. Places will be given to such children depending on whether there is an available space. Where places are limited and more applications than places are received, places will be filled according to the previously cited criteria. A decision will be given in writing within 21 days of receipt of a complete application.

SNP pupils go to a large variety of secondary schools. Please see our Feeder Schools page for full details.

Our boy pupils transition to Ballyroan Boys’ School in 1st class in a seamless process. For more details, please visit our Mixed Infants Education Page.

The transition of our boys pupils to Ballyroan Boys’ School is seamless and carefully planned by both schools’ staff. Our parents’ testimonials also attest to that. For more details, please visit our Mixed Infants Education Page.

Yes we do! We have plenty of options for before and afterschool services from various providers either onsite/close to the school. For more information please visit our Before/After-hours Services page.

For full information about uniforms and where to get them, please visit our School Uniform page.

Yes. Though we are a Catholic primary school, we take pride in welcoming all religions and denominations. Inclusivity is in our core values.

Still have a question?

Have any questions, suggestions or comment? We’d love to hear them!

SNP pupils raising their hands to speak